Monday, September 7, 2015

Lib's Run In Fright;""Dark side of the secret ballot? Donald Trump and Sarah Palin may win big "

After months of deprecating Donald Trump (and years of worse than deprecating Sarah Palin) the left is now waking up to their worst nightmare "Trump and Palin 2016." The facts of the polls speak for themselves and even the most rigidly hidebound of "progressives" can't deny a 25 point lead by Trump over Jeb Bush in the latest poll.

Instead of looking to their own failed "Hopey Changey"© administration which, after seven wasted years
has seen the very people who most swallowed the kool-aid hurt the most:

"The latest Census Bureau income data show that since January 2009, the median household income has dropped by more than $1,500, and the biggest percentage declines have been among single women, blacks, Hispanics, and workers under the age of 30—i.e., the heart of the Obama coalition. People aren’t just imagining all of this. Where’s the recovery?"

They attack in typical Alinskyite fashion which works in opposition, but fails when in power. It is amusing to see Hillary vowing to help the disadvantaged after having been part of the administration which disadvantaged the disadvantageous, 

Knowing, in the realistic innermost canyons of their minds that they have to defend the indefensible, their inner torment bursts forth in fright at a hobgoblin.

This is most recently exemplified at "The News Hub" where the scary behemoth of Trump and Palin lumbers towards the progressive villagers whose puny flaming torches will be of no avail;

"Dark side of the secret ballot? Donald Trump and Sarah Palin may win big by going nativist"

Shrieks the headline. After admitting the economy is not quite as they would wish they go on to admit,which is the first sign of incipient defeat that all their failures will be visited on the left by their worst nightmare;

 "As a result, the mean-spirited rhetoric of Donald Trump and Sarah Palin may be appealing. Palin's admonition to "speak American" may secretly appeal to millions.

Trump and Palin are not politically correct, and pundits are mystified as to how "the Donald" has remained atop the Republican polls. Many, including myself, theorize that Trump appeals to Americans' inner id. He says what we think, but of which we would never speak in public. Even those who criticize his speeches on social media may be secretly drawn to his quick, concise, and cutting comments about controversial issues. "Speak American" may be the inner sentiment of millions of voters, both Democrat and Republican.

America votes by secret ballot, meaning that voters can pick candidates like Donald Trump and Sarah Palin without feeling the judgment of their peers. When the curtain closes behind you at the ballot box, you can vote for the candidates you mocked in public. Trump and Palin are routinely blasted as right-wing extremists, but I worry that their trash-talking excites and fires up more voters than pundits would like to admit. "Speak American" may mirror the deep, dark voices in many voters' heads...and give us a Trump/Palin Republican ticket for 2016.

What can we gather from that hide under the bed rant? That the "mean spirited populace", the same ones who elected a Black man as president in a landslide, have now become ready to use their "inner id" to visit damnation of their fellow countrymen (i.e. leftists). 

The purveyors of this Two Horsemen of the Apocalypse are a Christian women from rural America and a hugely successful capitalist, hardly the stuff of the French revolution with its attendant guillotine (but , who knows we may get lucky).

No,what is coming it seems is not just retribution for America being sold a bill of goods but a candidate utterly unprepared for the presidency whose ride to power was assisted by the most craven media ever seen. 

Rather it is the horrible voting population at last being able to express their rotten core in the hideous secrecy of the ballot box. American who can vote to toss the rascals out-who ever heard of such a thing?

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