appears. Since these golden drops in an ocean of sludge may pass friendly and unbiased good people by I link to them here with a brief extract to give an idea of the subject matter.
Some are "neutral" some lightly satirical/lighthearted, some *sarcastic but, you take what you can get.
As always the link to Governor Palin's Twitter and Facebook account is at THIS LINK
Mallick, as a true progressive lives in her own insular world. Genuine criticism of a progressive woman is bullying but conservatives like Palin are fair game
Heather Mallick: Anyone who criticizes PM’s wife is a bully
Of course Mallick would never ever bully a woman. Never ever ever!
Let’s flashback to 2008. The Republican Convention is over and John McCain had chosen Sarah Palin as his running mate. What did Mallick have to say about Palin, a woman?
Mallick wrote a column for CBC that was published on Sept. 5, 2008. In it, she described Palin as having “a toned-down version of a porn actress look.” She went on to say Palin as has “over-treated hair, puffy lips and a permanently alarmed expression.”
But the anti-bullying Mallick didn’t stop at Palin. She went on to make fun of Bristol, Todd and Track. The columnist described Bristol as having what is in Britain is known as the teen mum “pramface.” Mallick went on to describe Palin’s husband Todd as a “roughneck” and talked about Track going off to Iraq as appearing “terrified.” There was more general criticism of not just the VP candidate but her entire family.
The first reality TV show ticket in presidential history? Trump reportedly looking at Sarah Palin to share in his spoils as well as several of his former competitors in the 2016 race
- The former governor of Alaska already tried out for the role of vice president once, in 2008, when she ran alongside John McCain
- She shocked the political world when she endorsed Trump over Ted Cruz, a fellow Tea Partier whom she backed in 2012 for the U.S. Senate
- Trump said this week that he’s looking at five or six people for the position but wouldn’t name names
- Carson said Palin was on the list as well as four of Trump’s former opponents: John Kasich, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Chris Christie
*Donald Trump Should Select Sarah Palin as his VP

Donald Trump’s Vice Presidential pick has been the hot topic du jour since Trump wrapped up the nomination two weeks ago in Indiana. Personally, I think that the entire thing is a show staged for the benefit of the press, since there is only one obvious choice for Donald Trump’s running mate: former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. In fact, if he nominates anyone else, the whole premise of his campaign will have been a lie.
Ben Carson Reveals Five Names on Trump VP List
Dr. Ben Carson confirmed five people on presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s list of potential vice presidential running mates in a recent interview.
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the 2008 VP running mate to John McCain, was one of the five Carson said was on the list. The rest are all former 2016 GOP presidential candidates: Trump’s closest competitor Sen. Ted Cruz, Ohio Gov. John Kasich, Sen. Marco Rubio, and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.
conservatives4palin (WITH COMMENT SECTION) link
Governor @SarahPalinUSA On TRUMP’s VP Short List

Posted on May 15 2016 - 5:22 PM - Posted by: Thomas S Schmitz | Follow Thomas on Twitter!
If anyone has ever deserved and earned a do-over – it’s Governor Sarah Palin!
Today Ben Carson announced that Governor Palin is on GOP Presidential nominee Donald J. Trump’s short list for vice-president of the United States.