Among the usual hate blogs, biased leftist media now and then a positive article about Governor Palin
appears. Since these golden drops in an ocean of sludge may pass friendly and unbiased good people by I link to them here with a brief extract to give an idea of the subject matter.
As always the link to Governor Palin's Twitter and Facebook account is at THIS LINK
From HillaryIs44 LINK
New Republican Party: Smart @SarahPalinUSA And @RealDonaldTrump Versus @SpeakerRyan And GOP Establishment
Sarah Palin is so smart. Idiots mock Sarah Palin because they don’t like her speaking voice, or her manner of speaking, or her education outside the Ivy League. The idiots think Sarah Palin is an idiot. But Sarah Palin is so so smart.
Yesterday Sarah Palin even outsmarted us. In our previous article we suggested if a big name Trump supporter, joined by every Trump supporter, donated money to Paul Ryan’s primary opponent Paul Nehlen – that would send the necessary message to Paul Ryan and his ambitions to run for president in 2020 by sabotaging Trump in 2016. Sarah Palin trumped us. Sarah Palin will do more than just send Paul Nehlen a check:
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin announced on Sunday she will work to defeat Paul Ryan in his Republican primary.This came after Ryan would not endorse the Republican nominee Donald Trump for president.
Sarah Palin says Paul Ryan will be “Cantored”:
Sarah Palin will work to defeat House Speaker Paul Ryan by backing his primary opponent in Wisconsin, the former Alaska governor told CNN’s Jake Tapper.Palin said in an interview that airs Sunday on “State of the Union” that her decision was sparked by Ryan’s bombshell announcement to Tapper last week that he wasn’t yet ready to support Donald Trump, the Republican presumptive nominee. Palin endorsed Trump back in January.“I think Paul Ryan is soon to be ‘Cantored,’ as in Eric Cantor,” Palin said, referring to the former Republican House majority leader who was ousted in a shocking upset in 2014 when challenger Dave Brat ran to his right in a Virginia primary.“His political career is over but for a miracle because he has so disrespected the will of the people, and as the leader of the GOP, the convention, certainly he is to remain neutral, and for him to already come out and say who he will not support is not a wise decision of his,” Palin continued.

Female politicians haven’t been treated the same
In the narrow-mindedness of Ms. Regensberg’s article attacking me, and in an earlier opinion I submitted critical of Hillary, all male readers and myself must be sexist pigs who won’t vote for Hillary. A question to Rosalie might be, what do you call all the conservative or moderate women voters here in Cheyenne, Rosalie, who won’t vote for Hillary either? Are they, too, perhaps femi-nist Nazis in your mind?
Rosalie is totally into the feminist cause, but she seems blind about a female candidate named Sarah Palin. Sarah was the one chosen to be the vice presidential running mate of candidate John McCain in the 2004 election. Perhaps she forgot the utterly disgraceful way Ms. Palin was verbally abused and disgraced by the left, and one of the biggest flamethrowers was Katie Couric. The whole left wing media even mocked Sarah’s special-needs child.
Reuters: Sarah Palin Vows to Unseat Paul Ryan

Darren Hauck/Getty Images
(REUTERS) Former U.S. vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin vowed on Sunday to help unseat Paul Ryan, the top Republican in the House of Representatives, because of the his refusal to endorse presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump.
Palin, the former Alaska governor and Trump supporter, endorsed conservative businessman Paul Nehlen, who is challenging Ryan, the House speaker, for his congressional seat in the Wisconsin Republican nominating contest on Aug. 9.
“I will do whatever I can for Paul Nehlen,” Palin said in an interview with CNN. “This man is a hardworking guy, so in touch with the people.”
Though Ryan is heavily favored to win the primary race against Nehlen, Palin predicted an upset in a race she said would shock Washington’s political class.
Sarah Palin Doesn’t Deny Trump VP Questions Breitbart
Former Gov. Sarah Palin, a strong supporter of Donald Trump, avoided a question about whether she may serve as GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump’s 2016 running mate, when CNN’s Jake Tapper asked on Sunday.
On CNN’s State of the Union Tapper asked Palin if she was willing to be vetted as a potential running mate for Trump, who is now vetting potential vice presidential candidates.
Palin responded:
I think I’m pretty much as vetted as anybody in the country could be vetted already. So I think there are so many other great people out there in America who could serve in this position. I think if someone wanted to choose me they already know who I am, what I stand for. They wouldn’t be in for any surprises.
Tapper pressed Palin on whether she would be willing to discuss with Trump the possibility of her taking on the position yet again.
She came back:
I want to help and not hurt and I am such a realist that I realize there are a whole lot of people out there who would say ‘Anybody but Palin.’ I wouldn’t want to be a burden on the ticket. And I recognize that in many, many eyes I would be that burden so ya know I just, I just want the guy to win. I want America to win.
Tapper asserted that “a lot of Republicans” are worried about Trump’s standing with women voters, citing a Gallup poll that 7-in-10 women voters have an “unfavorable” view of Trump.
Sen. Ted Cruz has credited Palin in large part for his success in winning his Texas seat in the United States Senate. Palin endorsed Trump in January of this year.
Since Arizona Sen. John McCain lost his bid for the presidency in 2008, running-mate Palin has taken on multiple projects, including several books, the show Amazing America on the Sportsman Channel and Sarah Palin’s Alaska. People magazine reported in March that Palin has a new courtroom-style show in the works. The release is set for fall of 2017.
Sarah Palin Endorses Paul Ryan Challenger Paul Nehlen: Ryan’s ‘Political Career Is Over’ for ‘Disrespecting the Will of the People’
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin endorsed Speaker Paul Ryan’s primary challenger, businessman Paul Nehlen, who is running for Ryan’s seat in Wisconsin’s 1st Congressional District.
“Rep. Paul Ryan abandoned the district he was to represent as special interests dictated his legislative priorities,” Palin wrote on her Facebook page this morning. “Without ever having a real job outside of politics, it seems he disconnected himself from the people, thus easily disrespected the will of the people.”
“It’s time for a change. I’m supporting the independent conservative businessman, Paul Nehlen, to return the House Speakership to ‘We The People’. Here’s the worthy challenger, Paul Nehlen,” she concluded, adding the link to Nehlen’s website.
In an interview with CNN’s Jack Tapper this morning, Palin addressed the issue of Ryan’s refusal to support the GOP’s presumptive nominee Donald Trump, who Palin endorsed before the Iowa caucuses.
“I think Paul Ryan is soon to be ‘Cantored,’ as in Eric Cantor,” she said in reference to the former Republican House Majority Leader who lost his Congressional seat in 2014 due to a stunning and unprecedented GOP grassroots uprising in support of his challenger Dave Brat, who ran on the same populist issues of immigration and trade that have propelled candidates like Donald Trump and now Paul Nehlen.
Palin said, “[Ryan’s] political career is over but for a miracle because he has so disrespected the will of the people, and as the leader of the GOP — the convention — certainly he is to remain neutral, and for him to already come out and say who he will not support was not a wise decision of his.”
“I think why Paul Ryan is doing this, Jake, is it kind of screws his chances for the 2020 presidential bid that he is gunning for. If the GOP were to win now, that wouldn’t bode well for his chances,” she added. “A lot of people with their ‘Never Trump’ or ‘Not Right Now Trump’ mantra going on, they have their different reasons. That one is Paul Ryan’s reason.”
Tapper then asked her if her reference to Cantor meant that she was endorsing Ryan’s primary challenger Paul Nehlen.
“Well, that’s a good question, seeing as I haven’t even got to call him and tell him
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Paul Nehlen Thanks Governor Palin for Endorsement
Insurgent Candidate Paul Nehlen Thanks Sarah Palin for Endorsement in Wisconsin Fight to Unseat Paul Ryan
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Gov. Sarah Palin: Paul Ryan’s Political Career Is Over!
Posted on May 08 2016 - 11:17 AM - Posted by: iizthatiiz | Follow iizthatiiz on Twitter!
May 8th, 2016 • iizthatiiz
"His political career is over, but for a miracle, because he has so disrespected the will of the people." – Sarah Palin on House Speaker Paul Ryan