There have been over 1,22,484 views (as of this posting) of Governor Palin's call for unity since she posted it just two days ago. +60,000 "reactions" 3,900 comments and +10,500 shares.
This is astounding.
It puts the lie to the ancient meme "Palin is irrelevant" and shows the massive response to her cal for unity and shows that only Palin, who endorsed both Cruz and Trump has the authority, the bona-fides and the respect to create a bridge between both camps at a time when feelings are still strong.
It also shows that the media, who are butt hurt after having to apologize for getting Trump wrong still don't get it. Much of Trump's appeal, which they ascribe to nearly everything except the correct basis for it, comes from the reception he is getting from the broad swathe of "Bitter clingers" as Palin describes them.
That he, instead of Cruz, won exactly those folks in the south where Cruz had expected to do well is a testament to the power of Palin's endorsement at a crucial time which gave those prospective voters the confidence that if Trump was good enough for Palin-who is beyond any reproach-then they too could support him.
The proof that the media have still not woken up to the Trump/Palin reality is that not a single mainstream media comment shows up on a Google search "Palin unity call" All there is are four snarky leftist hit pieces from the likes of Salon and one straightforward article at Daily Caller.
David Brooks advised he got it all wrong because he had been living in the DC bubble and not mixing with "people unlike me" (as if he would.) Similarly NYTimes Nate Cohn admitted he got it wrong because he doesn't watch TV or use social media much. The fact that they, and apparently every other "pundit" ignores the fact of over a million people viewing Palins' post shows they have learned nothing-more fools they.
It is a time for healing in face of the common enemy. No matter how much divides Republicans, especially in the heat of a campaign, at the end of the day Hillary and the radical left divides us more.
The left's social agenda,their ability to appoint Supreme Court judges their immigration policy and so much more is anathema. We must join in common cause in the voting booth and on the hustings.
Governor Palin,. perhaps uniquely, asks us to join together in this vital battle. She speaks to all parts of the GOP at least in substantial areas of agreement. If we look to her guidance and join with her we can and will win
Thank you Indiana. Thanks for all your hard work.
To all of you who have believed in making a real difference in our politics, and in the way things have been done in the past that have put America in a pretty precarious position.
Thank you so much for supporting Trump and believing in this idea of being able to make America great again. We’re finally on the road to do so. But we do have to unite first.
So GOP and independents and smart Democrats, truly it is time to come together, pull together, remember that united we will stand. Our country will stand united. Divided, we’re gonna fall.
So now after having participated in some really healthy, kind of arduous competition, now more than ever it’s time to come together and put some differences aside.
Stand on principle. That principle that yeah, we have opportunity to make America great again.
We’ve needed a revolution, and we’ve found our revolutionary.
So, thanks for all your hard work. Congratulations Donald J. Trump.
And here we go, on the road to make America great again.
– Sarah Palin
Proud to stand with our nominee Donald J. Trump! Thank you who have stood with him in this fight - the competition has been fierce and it's time to unite behind our nominee. America is on the road to being so great... thanks to you!