Sunday, May 15, 2016

Positive Palin News May 2016; Media Review Update #6

Among the usual hate blogs, biased leftist media now and then a positive article about Governor Palin
appears. Since these golden drops in an ocean of sludge may pass friendly and unbiased good people by I link to them here with a brief extract to give an idea of the subject matter. 

Some are "neutral" some lightly satirical/lighthearted but, you take what you can get.

As always the link to Governor Palin's Twitter and Facebook account is at THIS LINK

Ben Carson Reveals Five Names on Trump VP List

Dr. Ben Carson confirmed five people on presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s list of potential vice presidential running mates in a recent interview.

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the 2008 VP running mate to John McCain, was one of the five Carson said was on the list. The rest are all former 2016 GOP presidential candidates: Trump’s closest competitor Sen. Ted Cruz, Ohio Gov. John Kasich, Sen. Marco Rubio, and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

Lexington Herald Leader  LINK

Wrong woman for president
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