Friday, August 21, 2015

3 a.m.Economic Crash Phone Call;President Trump Or Hillary To Answer?

Stock markets around the world have been taking a hammering recently with the indexes in the USA hitting lows and in China making a nose-dive. Whether this is the start of the long expected return to some semblance of normality after years of money printing is to be seen. 

Financial commentator Harry Dent at Market Oracle predicts a very severe stock market crash based on the large gap between the dramatic fall in commodity prices and the stock market which is elevated above the commodity decline at a level which is outside the historic norm  as per the graph below.

 It seems common sense, and if the gap has been caused by endless money printing and artificially low interest rates keeping stocks artificially elevated, when the artificially and distortion of the stimulus and central bank interference ends, as it must, then a major crash is possible. See "St. Louis Fed official: No evidence QE boosted economy" …

All markets return to the norm through a series of booms and busts and the coming downturn could be very severe because of the putting off of the normal business cycle via outside interference

When the inevitable major correction, or even recession to depression arrives, as it must,the question arises what sort of leader would the American public look to have in the White House under such an emergency situation? 

There were significant downturns under presidents Bush 1 and 2 which saw the former be defeated in his next election after being seemingly invulnerable after the gulf war. Bush number 2's administration ended in the biggest economic downturn since the Great Depression.

The thought of Bush 3 in the White House at a time of a financial calamity is hardly a concept that fills one with confidence given the family history. There are 16 other Republican contenders amongst whom it is hard to imagine any of them, but one, suitable for the office under such circumstances.

Carly Fiorina whose career at HP was a financial disaster? Dr.Carson a brilliant surgeon but equipped to deal with a financial calamity, Governor Walker whose experience of running a mid-western state would have limited value in respect of a national and international crisis "I took on the teachers union" is not compelling under the circumstances envisaged.

 First term Senator Cruz, a lawyer, Rand an eye doctor, Rubio-seriously? Christie/Jindal/Graham

et al? None of them have the business background and deep understanding of international trade that one could honestly expect them to be able to deal with such a crisis.

On the Democratic side Socialist Bernie Sanders would be the exact opposite of what would be required. As the lesson of the 2008 crisis has proven massive government interference on the natural healing process only distorts and leads to further, worse problems. 

As for Hillary, what is there in her career or background that gives even a hint that, when the "3 a.m. call" comes, which it will (at whatever time of the day of course) she would be the best person from amongst the 21 candidates to save the American economy and prevent a world-wide depression?

Clearly there is only one candidate completely equipped to answer the 3 a.m. call and that is the 10 billion dollar successful "art of the deal" businessman Donald Trump. 

When the call comes, as it will (and it won't be because of Trump that the call comes) America's best hope is that when the receiver is picked a voice says "President Trump here"
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