NH Living Up to State Motto: "Live Free or Die"
NH competitive primary reveals this independent state’s choice for a leader who will free our country from our out-of-touch government. Congratulations Donald J. Trump!No doubt voters there asked themselves the question we should all ask before pulling the lever: Will this candidate allow me to be freer? Or not? Are his issues intended to make us freer? Or more dependent on politics-as-usual in Washington? It takes an outsider, beholden to no one but We the People, to shake it up and shake off the bureaucratic shackles that have stymied American exceptionalism.Thank you to Granite Staters for standing solid behind our next President who’ll let you make America great again!Now, on to South Carolina – can’t wait to see the energized electorate ?#?stump4trump? in the Palmetto State!Here’s an interesting take on why the Trump Train continues to roll and gain steam… for the edification of the Permanent Political Class still so perplexed and frustrated by this movement!
Governor Palin shared a link to this article: Generation Trump