For President: who is best on national debt, the economy, jobs?
*Who's the only candidate who hasn't voted to add to our $19 trillion debt, and...
*hasn't voted for Obama's devastating fast-tracked TPP trade deal;
*is expert on national and international trade and economics, actually understanding our destructive, unbalanced trade deals that are struck as favors for the cause of crony capitalism;
*operates in the real world on balanced budgets instead of supporting annual unsustainable deficits, recklessly rolling along spending other people's money;
*actually creates private sector jobs to secure the middle class instead of supporting bureaucratic agencies that chase our businesses out of country;
*hasn't enticed illegal immigrants with taxpayers' "free stuff" - and even their gifts of teddy bears and soccer balls - to illegally cross the border and take American jobs for corporate campaign donors' cheap labor;
*inappropriately prioritized tax dollars that's led to illegals receiving better care than our Vets;
*understands and supports Constitutional government and rule of law - which is abused by politicians supporting their exemption from laws they foist on you, including Obamacare; citizen's tax laws; FOIA, disclosure, and privacy rules; etc.
*has self-funded months of his campaign to break donor class shackles that own other candidates;
*hasn't lived off the government teat an entire career but, like you, has had to put up with an out-of-control government while working, building, employing, generously giving, and creating equal opportunity for families to reach their American dream?
*... and whose unarguable record of success proves the will and ability to fight victoriously for our country, which will empower We the People to make America great again?