It is hard to imagine any family waiting for five hours just to meet a politician and get their autograph. Perhaps Donald Trump might find such support, certainly he gets massive crowds, but even for Trump the scenario seems unlikely (for Hillary it seems, frankly, unimaginable).
But for Sarah Palin, after all these years after her sensational introduction to the American people that memorable night in St.Paul at the GOP convention in 2008, such dedication is not only unexceptional it is often commonplace. At Governor Palin's latest book signing in California a line a thousand person long waited patiently to see her and, as the local Santa Clarita television report showed a family waited patiently for five hours to see her'
(Kerry Sperlin; "I got my husband here at 6 a.m.")
After years of media vilification and their creation of a SNL caricature which, to this day has leftist
still thinking she, not Tina Fey, said "I can see Russia from my window" Palin has emerged as'as the Christian Science Monitor described her "The grand dame of the tea party movement" in an article setting out what they describe as "Palin's satisfaction in seeing her "Republican populism" ascendant.
In an online poll which commenced in 2009 with Palin at 51% approval, and which then saw her to sink to a nadir of 20% after the Gifford's tragedy (which she was unjustly blamed for by a rabid media) the ensuing years have seen a steady rise in her popularity to a now 55%.
Yes, this is an online poll (which type of polling is increasingly being accepted as valid) but for those who decry it as supporter generated, they would also have to agree that Palin's low of 20% was also not valid.
The publication of her latest book 'Sweet Freedom' with its religious orientationhas solidified Palin's image as a solid Christian, and her ongoing support for special needs children continues to strike a sympathetic chord with so many-including former political enemy David Axelrod who also is a special needs child parent.
Palin has clearly made her support of Donald Trump and, to a lesser degree, Ted Cruz well known in the current campaign season without making a formal declaration of endorsement. But, also notably, Palin has been friends with almost all the candidates with Marco Rubio being the standout exception.
Palin has emerged as (almost) everybody's friend and nobody's enemy as the pictures below indicate. Further she reached out across party lines (to James Carville)in her stint as front person for the OANN network.
And who could forget the love for Sarah from the "Stump for Trump Sisters??
Of course the haters continue to hate as a quick perusal of the comments section will show in almost any article in the MSM about her. But they are talking amongst themselves in an echo chamber as nobody can be bothered to respond to their juvenile rants, or to the obviously orchestrated "UniteBlue" mass tweets about her.
The latter is an odd phenomenon.Why an organized effort on behalf of big leftist money should be constantly run through Twitter against a person they deem as "irrelevant is a mystery. On the other hand she must be perceived as some sort of threat otherwise why would they undertake such a seemingly pointless waste of effort.
Governor Palin herself indicated that 2015 has been a tough year for her with "doors closed on her." That may indeed have been her perception but it was not the whole story. What has also happened is the passage of time haa seen so many of her warnings and strictures comes to pass, sadly so, and many of her detractors having fallen by the way side too.
On the other hand the ridiculous media/leftist blogs caricature of the "dumb yokel who can't even say what newspapers she has read" has faded into deserved oblivion.
What the future holds for Palin is anybody's guess but if I had to make a prediction whatever it is (and a major role in a Trump administration looks a strong possibility) it will see an increasingly admired Palin using that wellstore of goodwill to achieve outstanding success that her talents have equipped her for.
In the end, good triumphs over evil despite the vicissitudes along the way. So far, Governor Palin's Christian path is an obvious confirmation of this Christian truth.