Among the usual hate blogs, biased leftist media now and then a positive article about Governor Palin
appears. Since these golden drops in an ocean of sludge may pass friendly and unbiased good people by I link to them here with a brief extract to give an idea of the subject matter.
Some are "neutral" some lightly satirical/lighthearted, some sarcastic but, you take what you can get.
As always the link to Governor Palin's Twitter and Facebook account is at
The Palinization of
Brad Thorn
Sarah Palin came to know the crushing weight of the mob stirred to derangement. But, "Palin derangement syndrome," as it came to be commonly called, was an ailment of the liberal left. These days the syndrome has migrated and found new hosts, populating the skulls of many in the new media. Currently, New York Times best selling author Brad Thor is the object of the deranged but righteously indignant.
In March of 2010, Sarah Palin perpetrated the unconscionable by producing and publishing a map of 20 congressional districts that featured a crosshairs target reticle. The blatantly murderous iconography was accompanied by a slogan, "Don't Retreat, Instead -- RELOAD." Clearly Palin and the entire Republican party were calling for the mass assassination of Democrat party members. The liberal media launched into the apoplectic with headlines such as, "Did Sarah Palin's Target Map Play Role in Giffords Shooting?" Apparently, the shooter in the Giffords incident saw the Palin graphic and was thereby compelled to attempt murder. That is what passes for logic, analysis, and intellectualism among liberals."

In This Crazy Political Year, Politicon Plays Up The Funny, Puts Odd Couples Together, Captures The Nation's Mood
Read rest at LINK
Gov. Sarah Palin and James Carville Face Off; Pres. Vicente Fox of Mexico Talks With Al Madrigal; Glenn Beck Brings His White Board; Science Guy Bill Nye Takes Us to Mars; and Larry Wilmore Shows His Funny and Serious Sides at the Non-Partisan Fan-Fest for Politics and Entertainment
Democracy and pop culture will meet as confirmed participants also include Ann Coulter, Sen. Barbara Boxer, Dinesh D'Souza, Cenk Uygur, SNL's Darrell Hammond and Jay Pharoah and more, June 25 and 26 at the Pasadena Convention Center
Democracy and pop culture will meet as confirmed participants also include Ann Coulter, Sen. Barbara Boxer, Dinesh D'Souza, Cenk Uygur, SNL's Darrell Hammond and Jay Pharoah and more, June 25 and 26 at the Pasadena Convention Center
Gov. Sarah Palin faces off with Democratic Strategist James Carville in a battle of strong wills. Carville will also conduct a no-holds-barred Q&A with Larry Wilmore from The Nightly Show, fresh off his newsworthy stint hosting the White House Correspondent's Dinner. Glenn Beck will be in the spotlight, as will Bill Nye and a team of his associates from the Planetary Society.
Sarah Palin’s new nickname for Donald Trump has his enemies salivating – they still don’t get it
Sarah Palin just gave Donald Trump the perfect nickname.
But the anti-Trump still don’t understand why it’s perfect.
At a rally in San Diego on Friday, the former Alaska governor said Trump came into the election cycle like a “golden wrecking ball.”
“Trump came roaring in through this primary, and he blew the lid off the corrupted and corroded machine. He was like a golden wrecking ball,” she told the crowd. “He wrecked what needed to be wrecked in order to shine light on the shenanigans, in order to allow us to rebuild because, see, Trump builds things. He builds big things. And with optimism. And with common sense. He solves problems!”
Palin made very clear what she meant by “golden wrecking ball” at the rally.
The same rally where she told the mainstream media to “suck it up, cupcake” because Trump is “we the people’s nominee.”
“People here, like across the country, are really fed up on the local, state and national level, fed up with just that status quo, that business as usual, that has us on a trajectory downward,” she said. “And there’s kind of like no light at the end of the tunnel if we just keep re-electing the same, so people are cognizant of that here in San Diego, because smart people are here.”
Unapologetic liberals, like Mediaite’s Tommy Christopher, were salivating at the remark. Christopher used his biting sarcasm to pen a hit piece on Palin, including some colorful language, and summing it up by saying: “Hillary Clinton should, between now and November, never ever utter Donald Trump’s name without preceding it with ‘Golden Wrecking Ball.'”
There were those on social media who thought her remark was a gaffe.
Fortunately others understood what she meant.
Watch a clip of her speech at link above
Slave Quips
A quote purportedly from Sarah Palin saying that slavery wasn't the fault of the United States is fake.
CLAIM: Sarah Palin said that America was not to blame for slavery, and that "the negroes" liked it.

EXAMPLE: [Collected via e-mail, May 2016]
ORIGIN:On 28 May 2016, the web site Corrupted Potato published an article reporting that former Alaska governor Sarah Palin said that the United States' was not responsible for slavery, and that she claimed "the negroes" liked it:
“I’m telling you, I’ve been saying it for years, but nobody’s listening – slavery wasn’t forced onto African-Americans, they accepted it willingly,” she said. “But, all of a sudden, they realized that it represented a very powerful bargaining chip that could help them milk more money out of the national budget. And now they’re even complaining white people are racist. That is just horrendous."I’m going to say it once again loudly and clearly: Negroes loved being slaves and they were doing just fine under our rules. So, you see, you can’t really blame us for any of it, not legitimately ... If they liked it and enjoyed it, how can you pin that on white people?” Palin asked. “Are the Chinese blaming their leaders for being communist? No, of course not – they’re working their butts off and are prospering because they’re keeping it real. That’s what we need to start doing, because we’re not at fault for slavery. Negroes loved being slaves because of the simple fact that they can’t tackle the world around them on their own. They need someone to govern them, to show them how to organize, how to live as a community, in a civilized manner. They pretty much need us more than we need them.”
That article cited a 31 March 2016 article on the primarily-satirical web site Newslo as a source, but the rehashed claim wasn't an instance of a blog being taken in unwittingly by a fake news story. Corrupted Potato clearly stated on its own disclaimer page that it deliberately publishes fake news:
Corrupted Potato is a News Satire platform on the web. Readers come to us for a unique brand of entertainment and information that is enhanced by features like our fact-button, which allows readers to find what is fact and what is satire.Corrupted Potato brings you completely factual stories that are so ridiculous, they don’t need our trademark touch.
Much like Newslo, Religionlo, and Politicalo (a trio of related fake news sites), Corrupted Potato appears to specialize in a hybrid news/satire style of content. Newslo frequently makes Sarah Palin (or Bristol Palin) the target of race-based satire: previous pieces from that site have suggested the elder Palin lamented the end of slavery as a cause for President Obama's election and separately suggested it be reinstated on a voluntary basis. A different satirical article said that Bristol Palin said black actors don't get nominated for Oscars because they are difficult to distinguish from one another.
Sarah Palin’s Courtroom Show: 5 Facts You Need To Know
Sarah Palin, the former Governor of Alaska, is reviving her television career with an unlikely route. The former Republican vice presidential candidate, who ran alongside Senator John McCain in 2008, is about to become a TV judge just like Judge Judy.
Unlike Judith Sheindlin though, Palin has no real law experience. That’s not going to dissuade her or the production company behind the show. In fact, they have already registered a title. According to TMZ, the producers have registered a word mark for Palin Rules. The show, according to the registration, will take cases from online sources.
Here’s what you need to know about the show.
1. The Show Has No Network
News of the project was first reported by People Magazine in March, just after Palin signed a deal with Warm Springs, a production company based in Montana. This was only a production deal, so the next step was to make a pilot. Warm Springs will then try to shop the pilot to networks around the country. If none bite, the show won’t move forward.
While the stars of Judge Judy and Judge Joe Brown both served as judges before becoming TV stars, Palin didn’t. A source told People that Warm Springs isn’t worried:
Palin’s telegenic personality, wide appeal and common sense wisdom make her a natural for this kind of format and she was Warm Springs’ top pick for this project.
2. Palin Will Bring the ‘Courtroom of Common Sense’ to Television
Palin Rules is being produced by Larry Lyttle, the same producer who brought Sheindlin to television. He is hoping to get the show on television by September 2017. He told TMZ in March that Palin will preside over “the courtroom of common sense,” adding, “She’s appointed judges and is well equipped as a former governor to preside over cases.”
“Common sense” is one of the phrases Palin loves using. On Twitter in 2010, she told “commonsense conservatives & lovers of America” to “Reload.”
In December 2015, she also said that the Muslim immigration ban proposed by Donald Trump – who she has endorsed – was being embraced as “common sense” during an interview on CNN.
3. Palin Is Already a Reality TV Star
Palin and Donald Trump in January 2016 (Getty)
Palin is already a reality TV star, as she moved quickly to capitalize on her meteoric rise to national attention in 2008. In 2010 and 2011, she starred in Sarah Palin’s Alaska for TLC. She also appeared in her daughter Bristol Palin‘s series, Bristol Palin: Life’s A Tripp.
Bristol has also starred on reality shows. She appeared on ABC’s Dancing with the Stars twice, although she failed to come away with the Mirror Ball trophy. Life’s A Tripp aired in 2012 and ran a season.
4. You Don’t Really Need a Law Degree to Practice Law in Some States
While having a law degree would certainly help, some states do not require you to have one in order to take the bar exam or practice law. As The New York Times found last year, some younger people who hope to become lawyers are taking apprenticeships before taking a bar exam.
As shows, California, Washington, Vermont and Virginia do allow you to practice law after reaching certain apprenticeship requirements before taking the bar. Maine, New York and Wyoming require some law school study without getting a J.D. degree.
Palin’s law experience does at least include appointing judges in Alaska, as Lyttle said. In 2009, Palin appointed Anchorage Superior Court Judge Morgan Christen to the Alaska Supreme Court. Christen was just the second woman to join the state’s highest court since it became a state, The Alaska Dispatch News reported.
5. She Could Earn Millions
If Palin Rules turns out to be a hit, she could earn millions. In fact, Judge Judy is one of the highest-paid celebrities on television. Forbes reports that Scheindlin earned $47 million from CBS in 2015, putting her at #43 on the magazine’s 2015 list of the 100 highest-paid celebrities. According to Celebrity Net Worth, Scheindlin’s net worth is estimated at $250 million.
Palin’s own net worth is tiny compared to those numbers. Celebrity Net Worth estimates that Palin’s is at $14 million and her salary is $1 million. If Palin Rules is a hit, those numbers would climb.
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