Well folks old Krusty wasn't disappointed, far from it. Although I do have one complaint. The shakedown crew confiscated my prized Buck Pocket Knife. Yup, the bastards took it from me. They did give me an option to take it back to my truck. I stood in line from 8:30 am until they let us in at 11:30. There were a couple of thousand people behind me and this guy said you can take your knife back to you vehicle if you like. Quite the comedian I thought.
I won't spend a lot of my time quoting things the Donald said because most here like me, have heard what he has said many times in the past. However, there are a couple of things that really stood out. First of all, this bullsh!t that the LSM is feeding the folks that 69% of the women look at the Donald unfavorably and say they will not support him. That is pure nonsense. Scanning the crowd I estimate that at least half if not more were women of all ages. I seen a couple of groups of just women coming down the road to get in line. The other noticeable thing, were the large number of youngsters (18 to 30yrs) mixed in.
The local new media (LSM) were there and interviewed a couple of women close to where I was standing. Both gave a good account of themselves on why the were supporting the Donald. Then the reporter move on to me and wanted to know if I want to say anything? I said, "hell no I rather have a gun pointed at me then a camera".
Just before we intered the Hangar where the Donald was to speak, I notice the new reporter over across the road interviewing maybe a dozen kid protesters. Very young to say the least. They had one big home made sign that said "Dump Trump" Nothing exciting at all, what a disappointment.
The Donald was taken back by the size of the crowd that was outside waiting to get in when he arrived. He mention it before he got into his regular speech, that there were over three thousand people outside that couldn't get in because this hanger was packed full. His speech started at around 2:00 pm and ended around 3:15 pm which was find with old Krusty cause my legs were killing me from standing on concrete for over 6 1/2 hrs. As I left the place the kid protester were still hanging around across the road with about as many cops standing with them. It took me another 45 minutes to get out of the frickin parking lot. What a mess.
Anyway, so I get home around 5:30 pm and grandma meets me at the door all excited. She had seen me on TV during the noon news hour. She said "the news is coming on at 6:00 o'clock and I want you to watch it with me". Big deal right? I told her, don't worry about me, I want to watch the interview of these two women, which again I thought did a great job in presenting themselves. I am sure glad grandma talked me into watching it because you wouldn't believe what the LSM covered. Well, let me put it this way, it didn't surprise me because I know what the hell is going on with the LSM. There was no recorded interview with the two lady Trump supports, however there were three of these kid protesters interviewed. Spieling off the left talking points, racist, bigot, hates women and bla bla bla.The news reporter then went on to say that some of Trumps support shouted some nasty things at them. The reporter did cover a min or two of the Donald speech and that was it.
Folk I here to tell you that we are not only fighting the Washington DC pundit/elites, the social progressive lefties but also the corrupt news media. Old Kusty can now say, he has witness it first hand. Nothing more or less.