In Plant City Sarah Palin talks 'thugs' trying to drown out Donald Trump
Former Alaska Gov. and Vice President Sarah Palin stopped at the Florida Strawberry Festival in Plant City today on behalf of the Donald Trump campaign. Amid shouts of 'We love you, Sarah!' and samples of strawberry shortcake, Palin talked about the huge uprising that would ensure if the "GOP machine" tried to steal the nomination away from Trump and about thufs trying to disrupt his rallies.
Palin said Trump has behaved responsibly, urging supporters to show restraint.
"Trump's reminding people we don't have to put up with that because they're distupting not just his message but the people's right to be there to hear what he has to say. ... He's always telling the crowd, "Be cordial, be polite,' and of course the press will pick up the one or two times he's said, 'If that guy does that again....' "