Gov. Sarah Palin: Trump Favorables Rise Again, Thank You Mitt!

Thank You, Mitt
Trump’s favorables just rose again, as did the veil you willingly wore while being used by the corrupt political establishment who can’t afford to lose their power in liberal D.C. Your speech was so silly and contradictory it confirmed the reasons Trump received tens of thousands more votes than you did in your own home state that you governed. Silly man. Could the establishment really not find anyone credible in their holier-than-thou movement to spew the deception you regurgitated today on tv?
Independent, commonsense conservative patriots: now it’s our time to ramp it up, to prove even more adamantly that our movement in this time for choosing is wisely chosen by those who know what’s at stake for America. The political establishment’s desperation is nailing it’s coffin – obviously a good thing – but we mustn’t let the Alinsky tactics used to destroy our We the People movement go unanswered. His shoulders are broad, but Donald Trump must not carry this on his own shoulders. Thankfully, Mitt’s anti-Republican Platform speech just strengthened our own. Americans’ shoulders just got bigger and broader. Way to go, Mitt.
Donald Trump, Don't Take the BaitThe "machine's" deception and nonsensical attack on Trump isn't really an attack on the candidate, it's an attack on conscientious, hardworking, patriotic Americans who know we need a revolution to stop the complicit politicians who are fundamentally transforming America. We found the revolutionary. Donald Trump is the shock the Permanent Political Class needs to wake them up... to destroy their selfish cabal... to respect the will of the people... to make America safe and solvent... to make America great again. Don't take the bait, Mr. Trump. It's not about you. It's about us. And we've got your back. - Sarah Palin
Posted by Sarah Palin on Thursday, March 3, 2016
I can look back proudly on my decision in 2012 not to vote for RINO in Chief Mitt Romney
Donald Trump, Don't Take the Bait
The "machine's" deception and nonsensical attack on Trump isn't really an attack on the candidate, it's an attack on conscientious, hardworking, patriotic Americans who know we need a revolution to stop the complicit politicians who are fundamentally transforming America. We found the revolutionary. Donald Trump is the shock the Permanent Political Class needs to wake them up... to destroy their selfish cabal... to respect the will of the people... to make America safe and solvent... to make America great again. Don't take the bait, Mr. Trump. It's not about you. It's about us. And we've got your back. - Sarah Palin |