Click on the link
Sarah was on the Mark Larson radio show today.
You can listen to it here;
Monday, November 30, 2015
UPDATE;WILL BE SHOWN LIVE" Christmas Tea at the Reagan Ranch with Governor Sarah Palin" Dec 4th Young America Foundation"
Sarah Palin
Look forward to being back at the The Reagan Ranch this Friday to discuss Sweet Freedom - you can watch the event live online here!:
Sarah Palin
Look forward to being back at the The Reagan Ranch this Friday to discuss Sweet Freedom - you can watch the event live online here!:
» Christmas Tea at the Reagan Ranch with Governor Sarah Palin
Christmas Tea at the Reagan Ranch with Governor Sarah Palin
December 04, 2015
Reagan Ranch Center, Santa Barbara, California
Reagan Ranch Center, Santa Barbara, California

Join us for the Christmas Tea at the Reagan Ranch Center featuring Governor Sarah Palin and her new devotional Sweet Freedom.
Date: Friday, December 4, 2015
Time: 11:00 am - Reception, 12:00 - 1:30 - Tea and Light Luncheon
Location: The Reagan Ranch Center
217 State Street
Santa Barbara, California 93101
Cost: $45/person (Admission for full time, undergraduate students is complimentary--RSVP is still required)
RSVP: by calling (805) 957-1980
"Trust Trump-Trust Palin"
Also at "A Point Of View"
Trump advised at the start of the current GOP presidential nomination campaign that he "would love to have Governor Palin in my administration."
When asked on Sarah Palin’s Mama Grizz Radio’s “The Palin Update” Monday whether he would seek the former Alaska governor’s advice as president or potentially appoint her to an executive-branch position, Trump said, “I’d love that.”
She’s really somebody who knows what’s happening. She’s a special person. She’s really a special person. And I think people know that and she’s got a following that’s unbelievable,” he continued. (Palin has more than 4 million Facebook followers.)
Such comments endeared Trump to a number of Palin supporters (myself included) as did Newt Gingrich's advice in the 2012 campaign that "I would certainly consider Palin as my VP/Secretary of energy" (she subsequently voted for him in the primary.) In both cases support for them increased strikingly subsequently.
Palin has taken great pains to speak kindly of as many of the current candidates as possible whilst advising that "it is to early" for her to endorse anyone of them. That said, her positive comments on Donald Trump have been numerous and noteworthy, and it would appear obvious that she would have no problem in endorsing him.
This is no matter of some political convenience with Trump dangling the bauble of some possible future office. Palin is just not made that way. Nor is her obvious friendliness towards Trump some Machiavellian plan to ensure she gets a cabinet post. One gets the feeling Palin would be just as happy, if not happier, doing what she has been doing, writing, speaking out about matters of concern and faith, and populating congress with her endorsed candidates.
That Trump holds Palin not only in personal but political respect goes back, at least, to the 2012 campaign. I canvassed these matters in 2012 when Palin's intentions were not known (or fully formed). A number of points were, as it turns out, quite prescient it appears.
The key points are that Trump was so respectful of Palin as a person and possible presidential candidate that he held back before making any endorsement decisions. Secondly, and which puts the lie to "Trump is really a Democrat" (or "Democratic party plant") his robocall for the GOP candidate Bob Turner (who won) in the election to replace disgraced Dem Anthony Weiner.
The bottom line is "Trust Trump and Trust Palin"
"Trump likes the Texas governor but is reluctant to endorse a candidate until Sarah Palin's intentions are know
Of course, the comment is unattributed, but given the fact that Trump has not yet endorsed there appears to be basis for confidence in it. However there are some, perhaps, highly significant aspects to the possible Palin endorsement by Trump.
If Trump endorsed Palin she might get a substantial boost in the and it is common sense that a substantial element of Trump's potential support would be transferred to Palin.
If Trump would accept the VP slot then such a ticket would have massive appeal and, importantly massive funding. The leftist media and satirists could dine out on it but they are discredited along with their chosen one President Obama and the mood of the country is a populist one. there could be no more populist ticket than Palin/Trump.
In the electoral college such a ticket could do very well with Palin bringing in the south and west and Trump assisting in the rust belt states, where his message of industrial recovery and protectionism would resonate strongly. Given the current polling in Pennsylvania he might bring in enough support to swing that state and thus the election.
If the ticket did lose then Trump would be perfectly positioned for 2016 as a loyalist, thus erasing any problems in his past in that area and heir apparent and with his resources and credibility as a candidate (who would not be blamed for a 2012 loss) he would be a shoo in for the nomination and after 8 years of Obama probably would be elected. Thus a Palin VP slot would be a very shrewd move for him in that respect.
Looked at from another angle. If Palin does not run then there is a danger that Trump might well go third party which would guarantee the re-election of President Obama, whilst destroying the GOP and his electoral college chances. Trump would take enough votes from the GOP in such places as Florida/Virginia/Ohio to let Obama slip through. This would of course destroy any hopes he might have for the GOP nomination in 2016.
The safest and best place for Trump and the GOP would be for him to be safely locked in as VP candidate to Palin which would give him a bright future whichever way things went in the election. Trump and Palin are two smart people and perhaps this scenario has crossed their minds and was the subject of conversation over pizza in NYC.
Donald Trump feels his meeting with Rick Perry last night at Trump Tower went well. The pair had dinner at Jean George after. The New York businessman went home impressed by Perry, who he thinks is a straight shooter with an impressive story to tell. They have been speaking by phone for six weeks.
Trump likes the Texas governor but is reluctant to endorse a candidate until Sarah Palin's intentions are known, a source familiar with his thinking tells Morning Score. He is a big Palin fan. Trump is coming off his role as a robocaller for Congressman-elect Bob Turner, who won in the NYC district Trump grew up in. Turner thanked Trump in his victory remarks. "
The Palin and Trump cordial relationship goes much further back than the 'Pizza Summit". It well predates Palin's interview with Trump when she was temporarily hosting
at OANN, and of course if goes much further back than their recent double book signing at Trump Towers.
Trump advised at the start of the current GOP presidential nomination campaign that he "would love to have Governor Palin in my administration."
When asked on Sarah Palin’s Mama Grizz Radio’s “The Palin Update” Monday whether he would seek the former Alaska governor’s advice as president or potentially appoint her to an executive-branch position, Trump said, “I’d love that.”
She’s really somebody who knows what’s happening. She’s a special person. She’s really a special person. And I think people know that and she’s got a following that’s unbelievable,” he continued. (Palin has more than 4 million Facebook followers.)
“I’m looking at some of these candidates, they’re weak, they’re ineffective and to a degree that’s almost hard to believe. And, you know, they like the Sarah Palin kind of strength. You just don’t see very much of it anymore,” Trump mused."
Such comments endeared Trump to a number of Palin supporters (myself included) as did Newt Gingrich's advice in the 2012 campaign that "I would certainly consider Palin as my VP/Secretary of energy" (she subsequently voted for him in the primary.) In both cases support for them increased strikingly subsequently.
Palin has taken great pains to speak kindly of as many of the current candidates as possible whilst advising that "it is to early" for her to endorse anyone of them. That said, her positive comments on Donald Trump have been numerous and noteworthy, and it would appear obvious that she would have no problem in endorsing him.
This is no matter of some political convenience with Trump dangling the bauble of some possible future office. Palin is just not made that way. Nor is her obvious friendliness towards Trump some Machiavellian plan to ensure she gets a cabinet post. One gets the feeling Palin would be just as happy, if not happier, doing what she has been doing, writing, speaking out about matters of concern and faith, and populating congress with her endorsed candidates.
That Trump holds Palin not only in personal but political respect goes back, at least, to the 2012 campaign. I canvassed these matters in 2012 when Palin's intentions were not known (or fully formed). A number of points were, as it turns out, quite prescient it appears.
The key points are that Trump was so respectful of Palin as a person and possible presidential candidate that he held back before making any endorsement decisions. Secondly, and which puts the lie to "Trump is really a Democrat" (or "Democratic party plant") his robocall for the GOP candidate Bob Turner (who won) in the election to replace disgraced Dem Anthony Weiner.
The bottom line is "Trust Trump and Trust Palin"
In discussing the Trump/Perry get together in New York, where Perry is the latest potential GOP candidate to make the pilgrimage, Politico's James Hohmann advises (emphasis mine-the post is also at the bottom of this page)
"Trump likes the Texas governor but is reluctant to endorse a candidate until Sarah Palin's intentions are know
Of course, the comment is unattributed, but given the fact that Trump has not yet endorsed there appears to be basis for confidence in it. However there are some, perhaps, highly significant aspects to the possible Palin endorsement by Trump.
If Trump endorsed Palin she might get a substantial boost in the and it is common sense that a substantial element of Trump's potential support would be transferred to Palin.
If Trump would accept the VP slot then such a ticket would have massive appeal and, importantly massive funding. The leftist media and satirists could dine out on it but they are discredited along with their chosen one President Obama and the mood of the country is a populist one. there could be no more populist ticket than Palin/Trump.
In the electoral college such a ticket could do very well with Palin bringing in the south and west and Trump assisting in the rust belt states, where his message of industrial recovery and protectionism would resonate strongly. Given the current polling in Pennsylvania he might bring in enough support to swing that state and thus the election.
If the ticket did lose then Trump would be perfectly positioned for 2016 as a loyalist, thus erasing any problems in his past in that area and heir apparent and with his resources and credibility as a candidate (who would not be blamed for a 2012 loss) he would be a shoo in for the nomination and after 8 years of Obama probably would be elected. Thus a Palin VP slot would be a very shrewd move for him in that respect.
Looked at from another angle. If Palin does not run then there is a danger that Trump might well go third party which would guarantee the re-election of President Obama, whilst destroying the GOP and his electoral college chances. Trump would take enough votes from the GOP in such places as Florida/Virginia/Ohio to let Obama slip through. This would of course destroy any hopes he might have for the GOP nomination in 2016.
The safest and best place for Trump and the GOP would be for him to be safely locked in as VP candidate to Palin which would give him a bright future whichever way things went in the election. Trump and Palin are two smart people and perhaps this scenario has crossed their minds and was the subject of conversation over pizza in NYC.
Donald Trump feels his meeting with Rick Perry last night at Trump Tower went well. The pair had dinner at Jean George after. The New York businessman went home impressed by Perry, who he thinks is a straight shooter with an impressive story to tell. They have been speaking by phone for six weeks.
Trump likes the Texas governor but is reluctant to endorse a candidate until Sarah Palin's intentions are known, a source familiar with his thinking tells Morning Score. He is a big Palin fan. Trump is coming off his role as a robocaller for Congressman-elect Bob Turner, who won in the NYC district Trump grew up in. Turner thanked Trump in his victory remarks. "
UPDATE#2 "Palin Receives Standing Ovation At FOA" Event Sold Out-Huge Interest Palin To Address Powerful Hollywood Republican Group "Friends Of Abe"
Governor Palin Receives Standing Ovation At FOA Event
Via C4P
Posted on December 07 2015 - 11:46 AM - Posted by: iizthatiiz | Follow iizthatiiz on Twitter!
Governor Palin Receives Standing Ovation At FOA Event
Sarah Palin met with Hollywood’s conservative elite last weekend and was feted with a standing ovation, LAWeekly magazine reports.
The former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate — who’s considered an influential Republican lightning rod — was cheered as she attended a Friends of Abe dinner at the Hilton Universal City Hotel.
Palin made a splashy entry with five bodyguards in tow and the crowd leaped to its feet and applauded, a source told the publication.
Palin and the audience — which included "Law and Order" actor Paul Sorvino — then listened to featured speaker Mark Steyn, a conservative political commentator.
But Palin was the star of the evening.
"Friends of Abe director Jeremy Boreing was interrupted by applause multiple times as he spoke about Palin from the podium.
As the event ended, Palin remained to pose for photos, according to the magazine. (via Newsmax)
Article from previous Palin attendendance at FOA in Sept. Utter ever so Miss Thing bitchy rant from LAWeekly Dennis Romero
Sarah Palin met with Hollywood’s conservative elite last weekend and was feted with a standing ovation, LAWeekly magazine reports.The former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate — who’s considered an influential Republican lightning rod — was cheered as she attended a Friends of Abe dinner at the Hilton Universal City Hotel.[…]Palin made a splashy entry with five bodyguards in tow and the crowd leaped to its feet and applauded, a source told the publication.Palin and the audience — which included "Law and Order" actor Paul Sorvino — then listened to featured speaker Mark Steyn, a conservative political commentator.But Palin was the star of the evening."Friends of Abe director Jeremy Boreing was interrupted by applause multiple times as he spoke about Palin from the podium.As the event ended, Palin remained to pose for photos, according to the magazine. (via Newsmax)
Article from previous Palin attendendance at FOA in Sept. Utter ever so Miss Thing bitchy rant from LAWeekly Dennis Romero
NB; Word of caution-watch the wait staff for any hidden cameras at this guest only address-remember Mitt Romney "47%" in 2012!
FroM; L.A. WeeklY
Sarah Palin is scheduled to speak to Hollywood conservative group Friends of Abe Friday, a source with knowledge of the situation says.
The location is Brentwood's Luxe Sunset Boulevard Hotel, the same venue that hosted Donald Trump in July, the source, who did not want to be identified, said.
The occasion is the FOA's holiday party, the source said, and it'll be the first time a speaker will be featured at the annual event.
The onetime governor and vice presidential candidate is expected to deliver remarks about the "war on Christmas," the recurring controversy that reemerged this month when Starbucks unveiled red, holiday-neutral cups for the season.
Donald Trump suggested that a boycott might be in order. But Palin said on Facebook that this was a manufactured controversy. "Grinches on the left take things too far in attempts to make all us jolly revelers look ridiculous," she wrote.
She'll also talk about how biblical principles can lead Americans in the right direction, an idea that's the theme of her latest book, Sweet Freedom: A Devotional, our source said.
Other topics on the schedule include Islamic State terrorism, Syrian refugees coming to America, and more, the source says.
Carolers, eggnog, and a cash bar will also be present, according tot he source.
It's a private affair, as always, with members of the press unwelcome. The action is supposed to start at 6 p.m.
Friends of Abe was founded by Gary Sinise and has called actors Jon Voight and Kelsey Grammer members.
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Governor Palin;"We desperately need a Commander-in-Chief for such a time as this,"
We desperately need a Commander-in-Chief for such a time as this, not a divisive "Community Organizer" with a blowhorn, stirring domestic aggravation. Americans should be able to live with no fear of any outmanned, outsmarted, outgunned punkass-evil, misogynist, homophobic, intolerant death cult trying to infiltrate innocent populations.
We the People know our United States military could utterly and forever destroy ISIS - all it takes is the political will from on high with the command to "fire!" Alas, no matter the writing on the wall, our President will never trust the world's mightiest army to defeat the enemy - an enemy he refuses to wholly identify.
Muslim extremists crave an oncoming clash of civilizations. Nefarious characters hellbent on killing those who refuse to succumb to their warped ideology (we are the "infidels") WILL come on over, under current conditions, and ultimately supporters of Obama's weakened security agenda are liable when terrorists see open doors to bring the seat of their violence here. This is not illogical.
Well-meaning influencers of culture like Seth Meyers (bless his heart... I really like the guy!) need a great awakening to recover from their gullibility, as does anyone believing the Feds have an 18-24 month bureaucratic vetting process that successfully filters out the bad guys. "Question Authority" on this, Seth. And please peruse the attached op-ed to understand a differing point of view regarding unnecessary dangers we face with leaders' heads in the sand, refusing to consider this IS a clash of civilizations.

Thursday, November 26, 2015
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Four Newly Released Sarah Palin Interviews;With;Chris DeBello, Bill Cunningham, Sue Henry And Bill Wills
From Conservatives4Palin with thanks
Sarah Palin • The Bill Cunningham Show
Posted on November 25 2015 - 12:30 PM - Posted by: iizthatiiz | Follow iizthatiiz on Twitter!
November 25th, 2015 • iizthatiiz
Governor Sarah Palin joins radio host Bill Cunningham to talk politics, Barack Obama’s ‘leadership’, and the restraints placed upon her by the McCain campaign in 2008. Palin also discussed her new book, ‘Sweet Freedom: A Devotional’.
* this interview originally broadcast on November 17th, 2015
Sarah Palin • Sweet Freedom • Sue Henry
Posted on November 25 2015 - 3:26 PM - Posted by: iizthatiiz | Follow iizthatiiz on Twitter!
November 25th, 2015 • iizthatiiz
WILK talk host Sue Henry welcomes Governor Sarah Palin to discuss politics and her new book, ‘Sweet Freedom: A Devotional’.
The book delves into scripture’s ability to assist in both our personal challenges and issues facing the nation.
Sarah Palin • Sweet Freedom • Bill Wills
Posted on November 25 2015 - 1:20 PM - Posted by: iizthatiiz | Follow iizthatiiz on Twitter!
November 25th, 2015 • iizthatiiz
Sarah Palin talks ‘Sweet Freedom with Cleveland radio host Bill Wills.
Cleveland will host the Republican National Convention in July of 2016 to nominate their presidential candidate.
* this interview was originally broadcast November 24th, 2015
What Leftist Media Bias? 50% Palin Meyers Interview Articles Antagonistic, Zero Favorable
Governor Palin appeared on Seth Meyers Late Show. By all accounts the interview was courteous and friendly and Palin's anecdotes were well received by the audience. Meyers and Palin had a frank exchange of views on important topics such as Syria, immigration and the presidential campaign as well as show business related topics.
And how was this seemingly innocuous exchange reported on by the media?
Below are 18 media articles about Palin/Meyers collated at random. 9 are basically neutral, straightforward reporting of the general aspects of the conversation with emphasis on various points that suit the particular outlets audience.
9 are decidedly antagonistic e.g, the snide "former half-term Governor and now reality show Sarah Palin." Some are outright vicious "liar" "ignorant foil" "Batsh*t" and the usual spectrum of unreasonable, unreasoned and almost crazed leftist hate and, it has to be said, fear.
"Lame Stream media" biased journalism "leftist media conspiracy"? The facts, especially when seen is such an aggregation, speak for themselves.
The obvious question that arises is if, as the media/pundits advise, Palin is "through/irrelevant" why would there be so much antagonism across so many media outlets? We can leave out examining the comments sections of the various reports in looking for an answer as they are infested with the genuine dregs of American society who are obsessed to the point to psychosis with "PDS"(Palin Derangement Syndrome.)
Rather Tony Lee at Breitbart appears to have the key to all this;
"Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin said where GOP candidates stand on amnesty and immigration will be “huge” in determining which candidate she potentially endorses in this election cycle if she decides to make an endorsement that may well determine who will win the GOP presidential nomination. There is no denying the significance of a potential Palin endorsement, especially in an election cycle in which the conventional rule books have been shredded."
Lee goes on to list a number of campaigns where Palin's endorsement made the difference (Ted Cruz is a particular standout ) Palin endorsed 23 candidates in the 2014 mid-terms with 21 winning and she is, bit by bit, populating Congress with her choices-that is why she is still, 7 years later and holding no elective office, the subject of such ongoing vicious attacks.
And how was this seemingly innocuous exchange reported on by the media?
Below are 18 media articles about Palin/Meyers collated at random. 9 are basically neutral, straightforward reporting of the general aspects of the conversation with emphasis on various points that suit the particular outlets audience.
9 are decidedly antagonistic e.g, the snide "former half-term Governor and now reality show Sarah Palin." Some are outright vicious "liar" "ignorant foil" "Batsh*t" and the usual spectrum of unreasonable, unreasoned and almost crazed leftist hate and, it has to be said, fear.
"Lame Stream media" biased journalism "leftist media conspiracy"? The facts, especially when seen is such an aggregation, speak for themselves.
The obvious question that arises is if, as the media/pundits advise, Palin is "through/irrelevant" why would there be so much antagonism across so many media outlets? We can leave out examining the comments sections of the various reports in looking for an answer as they are infested with the genuine dregs of American society who are obsessed to the point to psychosis with "PDS"(Palin Derangement Syndrome.)
Rather Tony Lee at Breitbart appears to have the key to all this;
"Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin said where GOP candidates stand on amnesty and immigration will be “huge” in determining which candidate she potentially endorses in this election cycle if she decides to make an endorsement that may well determine who will win the GOP presidential nomination. There is no denying the significance of a potential Palin endorsement, especially in an election cycle in which the conventional rule books have been shredded."
Lee goes on to list a number of campaigns where Palin's endorsement made the difference (Ted Cruz is a particular standout ) Palin endorsed 23 candidates in the 2014 mid-terms with 21 winning and she is, bit by bit, populating Congress with her choices-that is why she is still, 7 years later and holding no elective office, the subject of such ongoing vicious attacks.
Seth Meyers Teaches Sarah Palin How the Refugee Process Works Without Being a Jerk
GQ Magazine - 11 hours ago
This week, you will most likely find yourself sitting at a dining room table with family members whose politics drive you crazy. They will say things that make you mad. They will say things that strike you as wildly offensive. You can make a scene, or ...
Sarah Palin goes batsh*t on Seth Meyers: Talks madness about Syria, claims...
Salon - 16 hours ago
Palin insisted that it wasn't about pushing refugees away but rather questioned the vetting process. She said these governors want to ensure “these are the innocents coming over and actually needing aid and they're not the bad guys infiltrating under ...
Seth Meyers, Sarah Palin Spar Over 'Fear-Based' Response to Syrian Refugees - 15 hours ago
Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin appeared on Late Night With Seth Meyers Monday night, where she talked about the Republican presidential race, the Syrian refugee crisis and some comedian named Louis C.K. ...
Seth Meyers Challenges Sarah Palin on Refugees
Newsweek - 14 hours ago
Sarah Palin is in the news again. Why? We're not exactly sure. On Saturday, she tweeted, "JESUS WOULD FIGHT FOR OUR SECOND AMENDMENT," which she linked, of course, to an ad for her new book, Sweet Freedom: A Devotional. So there's that.
Seth Meyers Calls Out Sarah Palin For Repeating Refugee Lies
Huffington Post - 12 hours ago
Palin said. "How do we know that these are the innocents who are coming over and actually needing aid, and they're not the bad guys infiltrating under the guise of refugee? And they want a vetting process, because we don't have that from the top. We ...
Sarah Palin says Louis C.K. is 'lovely' for apologizing for foul tweets about her
Business Insider - 13 hours ago
Well, Palin had her chance to comment on the apology during Tuesday's "Late Night with Seth Meyers." "I hadn't even known he had said something crude. Get in line. Who hasn't?" Palin joked. She went on to explain how touched she was by the gesture.
Sarah Palin Says That Louis C.K. Is The Only Celebrity Who Has Ever Apologized ...
UPROXX - 12 hours ago
Louis C.K.'s fabled 2010 booze-fueled, sky-high Twitter meltdown in which he blasted Sarah Palinas a “f*cking jackoff c*nt-face jazzy wondergirl” is the stuff legends are made of, despite the fact that C.K. himself would rather forget it. Back in ...
Sarah Palin makes the case for a political novice president [Video]
Washington Post - 18 hours ago
When former Alaska governor Sarah Palin (R) appeared on "Saturday Night Live back" in February, she made a joke that SNL creator Lorne Michaels would probably pay her a lot of money to run for president. Her follow-up joke, as Seth Meyers recalled it, ...
Seth Meyers Grills Sarah Palin on Syrian Refugees and Donald Trump
Daily Beast - Nov 23, 2015
More than seven years after he watched a very pregnant Amy Poehler rap with then-vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update, Seth Meyers welcomed the former Alaska governor-turned-reality-TV star to his late-night ...
Watch: Sarah Palin Had No Idea There's A Refugee Screening Process, So Seth ...
The New Civil Rights Movement - 8 hours ago
Monday night Sarah Palin was Seth Meyers' guest on "Late Night with Seth Meyers," and the topic of the Syrian refugee crisis came up. Palin, a former (half-term) governor, has been cheering on the 30 or so Republican (and one Democratic) governors who ...
Seth Meyers schools Sarah Palin on Syrian refugees: There is a vetting process ...
Raw Story - 18 hours ago
Sarah Palin flatly stated that the federal government has no screening process for Syrian refugees — and then Seth Meyers explained it to her. The former half-term governor of Alaska and failed vice presidential candidate defended U.S. governors who ...
Sarah Palin on 'Late Night': U.S. Can't Filter 'Bad Guys' From Refugees
NBC New York - Nov 24, 2015
Meyers asked Palin why there was so much resistance from governors to accept Syrian refugees. At least 31 governors said they opposed the resettlement of refugees from the war-torn country in their states following the Paris attacks that killed 130 ...
Sarah Palin Discusses Louis C.K.'s 'Meaningful' SNL40 Apology on Late Night
Mediaite - 17 hours ago
Former Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin brought up comedian Louis C.K.'s now-famous apology to her on Monday's Late Night with Seth Meyers. “He tracked me down while I was there, and he happened to apologize ...
Endorse This: Trying To Reason With Sarah Palin
The National Memo (blog) - 11 hours ago
In what passes for a Socratic dialogue these days, late night host Seth Meyers discussed the refugee issue with one of the preeminent ignorant foils of our time: Sarah Palin. Palin explained that Americans opposed to admitting refugees weren't acting ...
WATCH: Seth Meyers Politely Corrects Sarah Palin's Ignorance on Refugees
AlterNet - 13 hours ago
The fact that Sarah Palin is uninformed about a political issue isn't exactly newsworthy. But her particular brand of meanspirited ignorance so perfectly represents the stupidity of the GOP panic over refugees that her appearance on "Late Night with ...
Sarah Palin and Seth Meyers show America how to have a polite, rational ...
The Week Magazine - Nov 23, 2015
On Monday's Late Night, Seth Meyers asked Sarah Palin, as a former governor, what she thinks about the governors refusing to accept Syrian refugees into their states, and he started with a loaded question: "Do you think this might look like this is a ...
AmeriPublications - 8 hours ago
“Their message is, what is the vetting process?” “Well, I don't trust what the federal government is telling us”, Palin said. Palin basically conceded this point, but nevertheless insisted to Meyers that he shouldn't trust the federal government on ...
Seth Meyers schools Sarah Palin on Syrian refugees: There's a vetting process ...
South Carolina SC (press release) (blog) - 17 hours ago
Sarah Palin flatly asserted in that the federal authorities has no screening process for Syrian refugees — after which Seth Meyers defined it to her. The previous half-term governor of Alaska & failed vice presidential candidate defended U.S ...
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