Tue, 10/06/2015 - 10:24am
Sarah Palin Can See Putin's Boot Print On Obama's Butt From Her Front Porch...
Yes, I realize trying to get you leftists to see the world for what it really is is pointless but you can't say I haven't tried.
I'll be the first to admit that Bush should never have gone into Iraq.
But he did.
Before we get much farther into today's discussion there's a little something we all need to remember. He did it with the overwhelming support of both houses of congress (democrats and republicans alike) as well as the American people.
That's just a fact.
Obviously Saddam Hussein was a really bad guy.
A brutal dictator if you will.
But looking back it's not hard to understand that those brutal dictators we all love to hate were the only thing keeping that part of the world from exploding.
In steps Barack Hussein Obama.
Remember how he was going to save us all?
Remember how he was going to make the world a safer place?
I do.
How's that working out?
Not only did he not learn anything from the disaster Iraq turned out to be he doubled down and made it worse by simply walking away from it.
By walking away he single handedly created the perfect conditions for ISIS to step in and fill the vaccum.
Then along came his much touted Arab Spring where he helped orchrestrate the conditions that led to the murder of Libyan Dictator Muammar Gaddafi and the ouster of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak only to be replaced by Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Morsi who was later overthrown by the Egyptian military.
Democracy in action you called it.
Remember how big a disaster that whole thing turned out to be?
I do.
Once again brutal dictators were overthrown, America walks away, a power vaccum was created, and ISIS was there to fill it.
In all his infinite wisdom Obama drew a line in the sand and dared Syrian Dictator Bashar al-Assad to cross it.
Assad crossed it.
Once again America walked away.
Meanwhile Russian President Vladimir Putin waltzes right into Ukraine.
Obama and his idiotic Secretary of State John Kerry huff and puff.
They stomped their feet, made a bunch of speeches, wrote several harshly worded letters, and went whining to the UN.
But once again, America walked away.
Barely a week ago at the UN Headquarters in New York, Russian President Vladimir Putin looked straight into Obama's eyes and asked whether or not he realizes what he's done.
Three days later his generals are ordering the American military to stay out of it's way and begins bombing targets inside Syria.
Obama and his pathetic Secretary of State run to the UN, make a few harshly worded speeches and warn Putin that they'd better not do this or do that otherwise there would be consequences.
As we speak Putin is pouring 150,000 troops into Syria to prop up the Assad regime.
How's that dopey "Hope and Change" working out for us now?
Kevin McGinty