Friday, October 16, 2015

Governor Palin Weighs In On Obama’s Failed ISIS Strategy:

Gov. Sarah Palin: Obama’s Impotence

Sarah Palin
Politician4,550,792 Likes
8 hrsEdited
Obama destroys our own oil development and pipeline proposals (…/…/24/obama-keystone-veto/23879735/), and vows to bankrupt our American-made energy industry (…/hidden-audio-obama-tells-sf-chroni…), but is impotent against a crazy Muslim cult's crude wealth-generating oil infrastructure.
Memo to Obama: you could destroy ISIS in a heartbeat if you wanted to. These desert rats aren't running a covert oil operation - their rigs, pump stations, gathering centers, separation facilities, pipelines, value-added refineries, trucks and transportation corridors are right there under your nose. Bomb them. Let the United States Military do its job and kick ISIS ass... or pull out, like you promised. If you're having a hard time spotting the enemy's obvious funding source on the ground or in satellite images, I'm sure your trusty aides can help. Those same aides assisting you on the golf course with eagle eyes pointing you to your errant hit hundreds of yards off in the drink - surely they can pinpoint billowing oil facilities in the Islamic flatlands that are much larger than your tiny golf balls.
Physically and fiscally cut off the enemy's funding source. Levy uncompromising, impervious sanctions against any country or corporation doing any business whatsoever with jihadists. Manufacturers, service providers, etc. Anyone in bed with the enemy gets cut off. Got it?
Use your noggin, Obama. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure this out. Or maybe it does.
The silver lining in these "$1.5 million daily uninterrupted ISIS-oil trade" revelations is more proof you're barely limping along as the coalition "leader" in this fight for our security. You give even democrats one less reason to have to ask, "Whose side are you on?" Awakened Americans aren't just rolling over for your incompetence anymore; their arising is seen in presidential campaign polls reflecting disgust with the Washington establishment's complicity with your dysfunction. We want a true fighter for America at the helm. We need an outsider willing to go rogue against the perceived powers-that-be in order to regain our free nation's legitimate power.
Look around, Obama. There are strong manly leaders on the world stage whom you should try to emulate in your waning days in office. Benjamin Netanyahu is on top. Learn from him. Vladimir Putin is small-headed and wrong, but at least there's no question he puts his country first - and he can wrestle grizzly bears - so on that front, learn from him.
And of course, any one of our brave women and men in uniform today, and our honored vets who proudly wore the uniform yesterday, can teach you a thing or two about defeating the enemy so America can be great again.
Letting Muslim terrorists buy and sell oil to fund the destruction of innocents while you thwart American-made energy opportunities is sick and sinful. Wimpy hacks in your lap representing media won't call you out on this, so we will. We ask: from the most powerful office in the world, with the greatest military might wearing our red, white and blue, what are you doing to interrupt the terrorists' obvious funding source? What are you doing to destroy them before they destroy us?
- Sarah Palin
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