LA Weekly presented a second or third hand 'report' on Governor Palin attending of the "Friends of Abe a "reclusive' (because they have to hide in the shadows in la la liberland) conservative group of Hollywood folk
Foaming at the mouth "snark" ensured in the leftist media but even they had to acknowledge "When Palin's presence was announced, the dinner crowd leaped to its feet,."
For balance the comment section takes the "writer" to task at this
The folks who brought Donald Trump to the Luxe Sunset Boulevard hotel in Brentwood earlier this summer hosted right-wing extremist Mark Steyn and, yes, Sarah Palin, over the weekend.
We're billing Steyn first here because Palin simply sat in the audience and enjoyed the anti-Muslim ravings of Canadian Steyn, the spotlight speaker for the Friends of Abe event Saturday at the Hilton Universal City Hotel, according to a reliable source who witnessed the action.
(And, in case you're wondering, Palin was indeed in town last week).
FOA, as it's known, is a reclusive group of Hollywood conservatives founded by Gary Sinise, Jon Voight, Kelsey Grammer and others. When Palin's presence was announced, the dinner crowd leaped to its feet, we were told.
Palin entered the room with a security detail of five people or so and took a seat at a table, our source said.
Friends of Abe director Jeremy Boreing was interrupted by applause multiple times as he spoke about Palin from the podium, the witness said.
Sinise, Paul Sorvino and Nick Searcy attended the party, the source said. Dennis Miller was scheduled to open for Steyn but canceled late in the game for reasons unknown. Speculation was that Steyn was too extreme even for Miller.
Steyn's speech was dominated by attacks on Muslims, the witness said. The author spoke of the "racial" death of Europe. He called out the "liberal" media for being too pro-immigrant and too pro-Muslim, the witness said.
Steyn was the target of unsuccessful inquests by multiple human rights commissions in Canada for an anti-Muslim article he wrote late last decade. One Canadian commission alleged that the writer had "called for the mass killing, deportation or conversion of Muslim Canadians."
Steyn crossed the border and settled in New Hampshire, which has a great need for immigrant bloggers, apparently.
He also has written anti-gay statements and agreed with those who decry illegal immigration in the United States. "America has more Mexicans than anybody needs, and then some," he blogged last month.
"One party gets cheap voters and Big Government dependents," Steyn wrote of illegal immigration recently, "the other gets cheap labor and a chocolate on its turned-down coverlet in the junior suite."
Palin, by the way, stuck around after dinner and posed for photographs, our witness said.
For some further balance here is a report from Newsmax LINK
Sarah Palin Steals Show at Star-Studded Hollywood Bash
Sarah Palin met with Hollywood's conservative elite last weekend and was feted with a standing ovation, LAWeekly magazine reports.
The former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate — who's considered an influential Republican lightning rod — was cheered as she attended a Friends of Abe dinner at the Hilton Universal City Hotel.
Among its founders are Gary Sinise, Jon Voight, and Kelsey Grammer.
Palin made a splashy entry with five bodyguards in tow and the crowd leaped to its feet and applauded, a source told the publication.
Palin and the audience — which included "Law and Order" actor Paul Sorvino — then listened to featured speaker Mark Steyn, a conservative political commentator.
But Palin was the star of the evening.
"Friends of Abe director Jeremy Boreing was interrupted by applause multiple times as he spoke about Palin from the podium," reported.
As the event ended, Palin remained to pose for photos, according to the magazine.
GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump spoke before FOA members earlier this year and had a private conversation with Sinise
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For some further balance here is a report from Newsmax LINK
Sarah Palin Steals Show at Star-Studded Hollywood Bash
Sarah Palin met with Hollywood's conservative elite last weekend and was feted with a standing ovation, LAWeekly magazine reports.
The former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate — who's considered an influential Republican lightning rod — was cheered as she attended a Friends of Abe dinner at the Hilton Universal City Hotel.
The organization was launched in 2005 through an email chain connecting conservatives in the film industry.
Among its founders are Gary Sinise, Jon Voight, and Kelsey Grammer.
Palin made a splashy entry with five bodyguards in tow and the crowd leaped to its feet and applauded, a source told the publication.
Palin and the audience — which included "Law and Order" actor Paul Sorvino — then listened to featured speaker Mark Steyn, a conservative political commentator.

But Palin was the star of the evening.
"Friends of Abe director Jeremy Boreing was interrupted by applause multiple times as he spoke about Palin from the podium," reported.
As the event ended, Palin remained to pose for photos, according to the magazine.
GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump spoke before FOA members earlier this year and had a private conversation with Sinise
Fair use notice: This website contains copyrighted material, the use of which may or may not have been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Excerpts of such material is made available for educational purposes, and as such this constitutes ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Act. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this website is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. Original material published on this website may be excerpted and the excerpt reproduced for the purpose of critical reviews. However, such original material may not be reproduced in full on another website or in any manner without prior approval from this website’s owner. In all cases when material from this website is reproduced in full or in part, the author and website must be credited by name and a hyperlink provided to this website