Btw Sarah Palin is wearing a Star of David today. From earlier:
Abridged report from an attendee at the D.C. Against The Iran Treaty Rally" from a C4P writer
Well, it was the usual Tea Party Patriots rally in DC.
Jenny Beth Martin addressed the crowd at about 10 to 1:00PM. My guess somewhere between 2,000 and 5,000. Oh, and there was a counter-demonstration down the street. About 100-150 very quiet and docile jews. Jews for Capitulation or some such organization. Urging Chamberlain to sign the papers. Diplomacy not war! Very quiet people. Just stood there. Like lambs.
"We have 50 speakers. They each have about 2 minutes. What we are going to do to keep things moving is to slowly bring up the music when their time is up and we are all going to applaud them off the stage."
And so it was.
Mark Levin rocked the house. He was rock em sock em.
Cruz' speech was pretty good. Trying to exude toughness with this crowd. His best line: "One of the consequences of this Deal is that Barack Obama will have become the world's leading financier of Islamic terrorism." True dat. True. Sad, pathetic but absolutely true. Blood on his hands from the get go.
Trump.. Crowd gave him a warm welcome.the Iran Deal is the worst negotiation he has ever seen We are going to be the best if he is president. We are going to win when he is president. We are going to win everything. We are never going to lose. In fact, we are going to win so much that we are going to get bored of winning.
Palin. Palin as usual just lit up the crowd. She brings more energy to the dais then all the rest of them put together. Some pretty good zingers. Looked relaxed and happy. Tanned, rested and ready comes to mind.
Sarah urged us not to think small or act small. There is no time left for that. BB call home. She blasted Hillary. Dismissed her in one sentence. She spoke to vets and let the first responders know we had their backs. Put the pink poodle Obama in his Orwellian pink fairy dust place----following from behind his right hand man Valerie Jarrett's skirt. You don't reward terrorists you kill them. You don't lift sanctions you crush their assets and drill baby drill right here at home. She maximized her time.
They began very gently to bring the music up on her talk.
She spoke for a little over 8 minutes. Long enough to get the job done.
The Guv called for ACTION as her summary. Now is the time to ACT. She did not laud the Republican Party. Didn't say we will just wait and see who gets the Republican nomination and then lets all get behind Don't Call Me Bush.
Time for Sarah to ACT. To lead. . Looking at those Fab 50 speakers today the best was very clearly Sarah Palin. Speaking FOR and TO the American Middle. Speaking her heart. Speaking with great credibility and authenticity. The rill dill telling it like it is. They ALL are trying to be Sarah Palin. But there is only one Sarah Palin.
I'm beginning to think Sarah Palin has action in mind.
By the way. The rumors of the demise of the Tea Party are greatly exaggerated. Alive and well by the looks of it. Booed McConnell and Boehner mercilessly. Looks like the TP is no longer willing to carry the water for the Republican Party.
Good. Maybe some of us will rethink the Tea Party.