Among the usual hate blogs, biased leftist media now and then a positive article about Governor Palin
appears. Since these golden drops in an ocean of sludge may pass friendly and unbiased good people by I link to them here with a brief extract to give an idea of the subject matter.
Some are "neutral" some lightly satirical/lighthearted, some sarcastic but, you take what you can get.
As always the link to Governor Palin's Twitter and Facebook account is at
*******************************************************************************ALL THESE ARTICLES AT CONSERVATIVES4PALIN LINK
Sarah Palin: Coach Shanahan and Donald Trump make a great team
July 01 2016 - 9:16 PM | By: iizthatiiz
"Thank you, Coach Mike Shanahan, for your boldness in supporting our next President. " - Sarah Palin
Posted in Governor Palin's Posts2 Comments

Sarah Palin: We need Darryl Glenn’s "might and ethos" in the U.S. Senate
July 01 2016 - 7:45 PM | By: iizthatiiz
"Thank you, Colorado, for nominating him and sharing him with the rest of America." - Sarah Palin
Posted in Governor Palin's Posts1 Comment

Governor Palin: Republicans Against Trump? (R.A.T.’s) "you are either with us or against us"
July 01 2016 - 5:39 PM | By: THOMAS
PALIN: You Are Either With Us Or Against Us"
Posted in Commentary/Editorial6 Comments

Sarah Palin unloads on #NeverTrumpers, calling them Republicans Against Trump, or ‘RAT’
July 01 2016 - 5:35 PM | By: iizthatiiz
"You know who's a threat? Those GOP-ers who insist that they'll never vote for their party's choice this time." - Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin: Thank You, Colorado!
July 01 2016 - 5:05 PM | By: iizthatiiz
"Colorado, thank you for fighting for what is right; thank you for backing the GOP frontrunner," - Sarah Palin
Posted in Governor Palin's Posts0 Comments

Donald Trump Thanks Sarah Palin for Her Support
July 01 2016 - 2:28 PM | By: iizthatiiz
Republican nominee-in-waiting Donald Trump acknowledges Sarah Palin for her support -- [ VIDEO ]

Governor Sarah Palin • Western Conservative Summit • Full Speech
July 01 2016 - 1:19 PM | By: iizthatiiz
Governor Sarah Palin addresses attendees at this years Western Conservative Summit in Denver, Colorado -- [ VIDEO ]

Palin Pummels ‘B.S.’d in Bosnia’ Clinton Over Tired War on Woman Warpath
**************************************************************************Palin To #NeverTrump: ‘You’re Either With Us Or You’re Against Us’
Palin on Paid Anti-Trump Protesters: ‘Not Even President Yet and Our Guy’s Already Creating Jobs’
Palin rips Never Trump Republicans: 'You are either with us or against us'

Palin on anti-immigrant rhetoric: “It’s not hate speech, it’s common sense”
Speaking before Trump took the stage, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, the 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee, drew massive cheers from the crowd of at least 1,500 people as she again criticized establishment Republicans who have failed to understand why so many voters are supporting the real estate mogul.
"What have his critics ever built?" Palin asked. "We are going to take our country back, and you are either with us or against us."
Referring to the protesters outside, Palin joked that Trump rallies should be held at construction sites, since the protesters are likely to avoid anywhere that work gets done — a line that got big laughs from the crowd.

Palin finds her second act in Trump campaign